
Need a DIY date night but aren’t sure what to do? Stop the never-ending scrolling on Netflix and enjoy an intentional, fun night together! Truth or Dare is a classic, but this one has a twist! So grab a deck of cards, a cozy space, and a snack and get ready to have some fun!


  • A deck of cards
  • A snack
  • A cozy space
  • Something to drink


  1. First of all, take it easy! Light a candle, turn down the lights, look your partner in the eyes, and breathe for a second.
  2. Now get ready to play some Truth or Dare for your DIY date night! 
  3. Shuffle your cards.
  4. Take turns pulling a card from the deck.
  5. Each card is representative of either a truth or a dare. See the list below to find what your card means!
  6. Your partner has to complete the card that you drew.
  7. Take turns pulling cards until you’re too tired to keep going or you run out of cards!

Spades: (Loving Dare)

  • Ace: Kiss me for 30 seconds like we haven’t seen each other in a month.
  • Two: Give me a shoulder rub for 2 minutes.
  • Three: Try to get me to laugh by using pick-up lines.
  • Four: Go live on a social media account and declare your love for me.
  • Five: Find a couple’s yoga pose and do your best to recreate it.
  • Six: Kiss me for 30 seconds without either of us using our hands.
  • Seven: Draw a self portrait of me using the closest paper and writing utensil.
  • Eight: Make out in a room you’ve never made out in for 1 minute. (Closets count!)
  • Nine: Reenact our first kiss.
  • Ten: I’ll close my eyes, and you kiss your favorite part of my body for 30 seconds.
  • Jack: Try not to kiss me back for as long as you can while I’m kissing you.
  • Queen: Whisper something sexy to me.
  • King: Dance with me to our favorite love song. Have as many parts of your body as close together as possible for the whole song.

Clubs: (Hard Dare)

  • Ace: Open the back door and bark like a dog for 30 seconds.
  • Two: Read the first news article you can find to your partner in a romantic tone.
  • Three: Pretend you have won a Grammy and are giving an acceptance speech.
  • Four: Impersonate one of your in-laws.
  • Five: Send a random GIF to the 5th person you’ve texted most recently.
  • Six: Place ice cubes in the palms of your fists and keep them there until they melt.
  • Seven: Put makeup on me.
  • Eight: Try to juggle three eggs.
  • Nine: Imitate your five most commonly-used emojis.
  • Ten: Dance like a toddler to your favorite song.
  • Jack: Text a bad joke to your parents (or mine)!
  • Queen: Come up with 5 different stylish ways to open the refrigerator.
  • King: Recite your favorite poem backward.

Hearts: (Loving Truth)

  • Ace: What’s your favorite thing I do for you?
  • Two: How have you seen us grow most as a couple?
  • Three: What’s your biggest turn-on?
  • Four: What was your first thought when we met?
  • Five: What’s your favorite thing about me?
  • Six: How do you see our relationship changing in the next 5 years?
  • Seven: What were your exact thoughts on our first date?
  • Eight: How would you spend an entire week without me?
  • Nine: What’s your favorite outfit on me?
  • Ten: What animal do you think I’m most like?
  • Jack: If you had to describe our relationship in three words, what would they be?
  • Queen: What’s the best thing I’ve ever done for you?
  • King: What’s one thing I could do more often for you?

Diamonds: (Hard Truth)

  • Ace: What’s the first thing you’d do if you were me for an hour?
  • Two: What’s your least favorite thing about me?
  • Three: What’s one thing I don’t know about you?
  • Four: What level of PDA are you comfortable with?
  • Five: Have I ever done anything to embarrass you in public?
  • Six: What’s one of the habits you wish I would break?
  • Seven: Are there ways I’ve changed over the past two months?
  • Eight: What do you think is my best feature?
  • Nine: What was the hardest thing you had to adjust to in our relationship?
  • Ten: What’s one thing you regret in life?
  • Jack: Do you think our relationship is as healthy as it can be right now?
  • Queen: What would you say was the best year of your life so far?
  • King: How can I be a better support for you day-to-day?


  • Take off an article of clothing for the rest of the game.

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