Need a DIY date night but aren’t sure what to do? Stop the never-ending scrolling on Netflix and enjoy an intentional, fun night together! Truth or Dare is a classic, but this one has a twist! So grab a deck of cards, a cozy space, and a snack and get ready to have some fun!
- A deck of cards
- A snack
- A cozy space
- Something to drink
- First of all, take it easy! Light a candle, turn down the lights, look your partner in the eyes, and breathe for a second.
- Now get ready to play some Truth or Dare for your DIY date night!
- Shuffle your cards.
- Take turns pulling a card from the deck.
- Each card is representative of either a truth or a dare. See the list below to find what your card means!
- Your partner has to complete the card that you drew.
- Take turns pulling cards until you’re too tired to keep going or you run out of cards!
Spades: (Loving Dare)
- Ace: Kiss me for 30 seconds like we haven’t seen each other in a month.
- Two: Give me a shoulder rub for 2 minutes.
- Three: Try to get me to laugh by using pick-up lines.
- Four: Go live on a social media account and declare your love for me.
- Five: Find a couple’s yoga pose and do your best to recreate it.
- Six: Kiss me for 30 seconds without either of us using our hands.
- Seven: Draw a self portrait of me using the closest paper and writing utensil.
- Eight: Make out in a room you’ve never made out in for 1 minute. (Closets count!)
- Nine: Reenact our first kiss.
- Ten: I’ll close my eyes, and you kiss your favorite part of my body for 30 seconds.
- Jack: Try not to kiss me back for as long as you can while I’m kissing you.
- Queen: Whisper something sexy to me.
- King: Dance with me to our favorite love song. Have as many parts of your body as close together as possible for the whole song.
Clubs: (Hard Dare)
- Ace: Open the back door and bark like a dog for 30 seconds.
- Two: Read the first news article you can find to your partner in a romantic tone.
- Three: Pretend you have won a Grammy and are giving an acceptance speech.
- Four: Impersonate one of your in-laws.
- Five: Send a random GIF to the 5th person you’ve texted most recently.
- Six: Place ice cubes in the palms of your fists and keep them there until they melt.
- Seven: Put makeup on me.
- Eight: Try to juggle three eggs.
- Nine: Imitate your five most commonly-used emojis.
- Ten: Dance like a toddler to your favorite song.
- Jack: Text a bad joke to your parents (or mine)!
- Queen: Come up with 5 different stylish ways to open the refrigerator.
- King: Recite your favorite poem backward.
Hearts: (Loving Truth)
- Ace: What’s your favorite thing I do for you?
- Two: How have you seen us grow most as a couple?
- Three: What’s your biggest turn-on?
- Four: What was your first thought when we met?
- Five: What’s your favorite thing about me?
- Six: How do you see our relationship changing in the next 5 years?
- Seven: What were your exact thoughts on our first date?
- Eight: How would you spend an entire week without me?
- Nine: What’s your favorite outfit on me?
- Ten: What animal do you think I’m most like?
- Jack: If you had to describe our relationship in three words, what would they be?
- Queen: What’s the best thing I’ve ever done for you?
- King: What’s one thing I could do more often for you?
Diamonds: (Hard Truth)
- Ace: What’s the first thing you’d do if you were me for an hour?
- Two: What’s your least favorite thing about me?
- Three: What’s one thing I don’t know about you?
- Four: What level of PDA are you comfortable with?
- Five: Have I ever done anything to embarrass you in public?
- Six: What’s one of the habits you wish I would break?
- Seven: Are there ways I’ve changed over the past two months?
- Eight: What do you think is my best feature?
- Nine: What was the hardest thing you had to adjust to in our relationship?
- Ten: What’s one thing you regret in life?
- Jack: Do you think our relationship is as healthy as it can be right now?
- Queen: What would you say was the best year of your life so far?
- King: How can I be a better support for you day-to-day?
- Take off an article of clothing for the rest of the game.
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