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DIY Date Night | Spring Fever

Celebrate the season and each other!
By First Things First
February 24, 2021

Although spring is right around the corner, many people still feel like they’re in the middle of winter. Whether you’re trapped in the middle of a snowstorm or enjoying some sunny weather, this DIY date night will get you and your love in the springtime mood! Here are a few ideas for what you can do on this date night (pick which one works best for you!), plus a few conversation starters to keep those convos deep, meaningful, and lasting!

Date Idea 1: Grow Old With Me


  • Seeds (of any kind! Wildflowers, herbs, veggies, etc.)
  • Two pots
  • Potting soil


This date night really is as simple as it seems! The goal here is to plant some seeds so that they will grow and bloom (or fruit) by summer. If you’re not much of a green thumb, here’s a great article on what not to do! Once your seeds are planted, be sure to check on them regularly, keep them watered and in sunlight, and watch them grow!

Conversation Starters:

  • How have you seen me grow in the past year?
  • How do you think you’ve grown in the past year?
  • Do you feel like there’s something missing from what you need to grow? (Not getting enough sunlight, water, etc.)
  • What do you imagine when you picture us growing old together?
  • What’s one thing we can do now to make sure we’re just as in love when we’re old together?
  • What can I do to help you grow in the year to come?
  • What seeds should we plant in our marriage now to help our relationship bloom/bear fruit later?

Date Idea 2: Spring Cleaning (No really, it’s more fun than it sounds!)


  • That one project you’ve been putting off for sooooo long


Sure, this isn’t your typical date night, but who says it can’t be fun? Sometimes doing the most mind-numbing tasks (cleaning out the fridge, organizing that one closet, hanging those pictures you bought 3 months ago…) can turn into a fun memory when you do it with someone you love! Why not try it out? Get with your spouse and decide on 1-3 projects to do on this date night. Then try and make it fun along the way! Be sure to use the conversation starters below to help get the fun going.

Conversation Starters:

  • Are there any conversations we need to have that you’ve been putting off?
  • Would you say I’m a procrastinator? Whether yes or no, how do you think that affects our relationship?
  • Is there anything cluttering our relationship that needs to be cleaned out?
  • What’s one thing we can do now to keep things from cluttering our relationship down the road?
  • Why do you think it can be so hard to be organized/clean in life?
  • Do you consider this a fun date night? Why or why not?
  • If you could snap your fingers and have any project (house, work, or other) totally done, what would it be?

Date Idea 3: Paint Your Garden


  • Paper
  • Finger paint
  • Fruits and veggies


Stop repressing that inner 7-year-old and grab some paint! This date night is all about getting creative (and a little messy)! Cut fruits and veggies into shapes to make “stamps” with the paint! For example, if you cut off the base of a bunch of celery, you can use it to make a “flower” shape. Or the top of broccoli can make a sponge-looking pattern. Get creative with it! And when you’re done, you bet that art should be displayed on the fridge!

Conversation Starters:

  • If you could choose one art medium to be really talented with, what would you choose?
  • What’s one hobby that you would want to pick up? Would you want to do it together?
  • If you had to choose a hobby for me to try, what would it be?
  • When’s the last time you felt creative?
  • Would you say I have an inner child? Why or why not?
  • What’s one thing you and I can do together to have fun more regularly?
  • What are some ways we can do better about prioritizing play in our relationship?

Date Idea 4: Plan for Adventure


  • A computer or phone
  • Accountability!


Not really feeling spring yet? That’s okay! What if you planned for it instead? Whether you want to train for a 5k or master your macaroon recipe, you and your partner can put together a plan on how to get there! OR you could even plan for a spring vacation instead. Whatever you choose, talk it through and make it happen!

Conversation Starters:

  • What’s one goal you want to accomplish in the next few months?
  • In the next year?
  • Would you say that I do a good job helping you with your goals?
  • How can I be a better support to you when it comes to achieving your goals?
  • What’s one way we can be more in tune with each other this spring and help keep each other accountable?
  • Do you think I’ve set any unrealistic goals for myself or our relationship?
  • Do you consider planning for the future fun? Why or why not?

Looking for more Date Night ideas? Check out all of our FREE date nights here!

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