With Halloween right around the corner, it’s time for a spooky season date night! Even if you’re not super into scary stories or haunted houses, these date night ideas can bring you and your honey closer. Check out these date night ideas—and a conversation guide as you go—below!

Questions to Ask On Your Date Night:

  • What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever seen or experienced?
  • Have you ever felt like you could sense a spirit nearby?
  • Do you have any personal ghost stories?
  • What’s your favorite part of Halloween?
  • If you had to pick living next door to a haunted house or camping in a cemetery once a month, which would you choose?
  • Should we start any new Halloween traditions? Or get rid of any we’ve made already?
  • Would you rather only ever be able to wear orange or always have to include skulls as a part of your outfit in some way?

Spooky Season Date Night Ideas:

Scary Movie:

It’s as simple as it sounds! Pick a scary movie—it can be a classic like Frankenstein or something neither of you has seen before—and cuddle up on the couch together! Be sure to have some snacks on hand!

Want to take it to the next level? Grab a laptop and take this movie to a spooky location. A park with a cemetery, an abandoned building, your unfinished basement, or a forest close by are all great locations to get spooked!

Make A Haunted House Together:

Who says decorating cookie houses has to wait two more months?! You can either make your own using a sturdy cookie cut into simple shapes (and icing and decorations!) or buy a kit like this one!

Late Night Picnic:

Nothing says spooky like having a picnic in the dark! And if you’re really brave, take your picnic to the nearest cemetery (be respectful—know your boundaries), abandoned building, or nearby woods!

Murder Mysteries Mayhem:

There are so many podcasts, YouTube channels, and books all about murder mysteries! Pick one out together, listen/watch/read it, and see who can guess who-done-it using any evidence they can find! This date night wouldn’t be complete without some great snacks, too!

Spooky Season with Strangers:

This one might take a little more guts than the rest of them! For this date night, dress up in a scary Halloween costume and go out on the town. Be sure you wear a mask, too! If you don’t have some spooky costumes at home, check out your local thrift store and see if you can help each other build a costume together!

Looking for more great date nights? Check out all our DIY and Live Date Nights here!

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