Ahhhh! The brisk air, the pumpkin-flavored-everything, the changing leaves… It’s finally fall! Although your typical pumpkin carving, corn maze, apple cider filled celebrations might look a little different this year, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the season with your honey. Pick a few of these activity options for this fall-themed date night!
Activity Options:
DIY Halloween Costume:
- Set a timer for 25 minutes.
- Each person has until the timer goes off to make a Halloween costume for their partner!
- Use anything and everything from around the house – the more creative the better!
- BONUS POINTS if you wear this costume as you’re doing any of the other activities below!
- Grab that “pumpkin spice” shaker from your spice cabinet and let’s get creative. Nothing screams fall and date night like some pumpkin spice!
- Try to make your favorite dish into a Pumpkin Spice masterpiece! From cinnamon rolls to pizza, anything can be turned into a fall dish with a little pumpkin spice!
Jack O’ Painting:
- Sure, everyone loves a great carved pumpkin, but not everyone is talented with a keyhole saw!
- All you need is a couple of pumpkins, some acrylic paint and a good brush, and you’re all set!
- Bonus points if you and your partner make themed pumpkins! (A bride & groom, a witch & wizard, Cookie Monster & a jar of cookies, etc.)
Leaf Hunting:
- Grab those boots & a scarf and take a walk in your nearest park!
- Add in a little competition to see who can find the most heart-shaped leaves on the ground!
Scary Movie Marathon:
- Find a scary movie you both haven’t seen before, grab some popcorn (or that pumpkin spice dish from the previous activity) and snuggle up on the couch together!
- Want to make it a little more interesting? Turn off the volume and narrate the scenes yourself! Try and guess the story line, the emotions the characters are feeling, etc.
Questions to Ask While on The Fall Date Night:
- When was the first time you knew you loved me?
- What’s one thing about me that first made you fall in love with me?
- What’s one thing about me that keeps you continuously falling in love with me?
- How can we keep the fire burning in our relationship through the winter months to come?
- What was your favorite part of summer?
- What are you most looking forward to during fall?
- Give me one way I can help you thrive in the next two weeks.
- What in your life are you most thankful for right now?
- Alternate 5 times sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner.
- On a scale of 1-10, how warm and inviting would you say I am? What would you rate us as a couple? What can I do to raise that number?
Looking for more date night ideas? Click HERE!
Image from Unsplash.com
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