
In need of a date night but aren’t sure what to do? Skip sitting on the couch together staring at your phones and make some memories instead! Just CHILL  is a DIY date night for those moments that you just don’t feel like doing anything. It’ll get you relaxed, revived, and reconnected!


  • Face masks (Or DIY – some simple ideas here)
  • A foot bath
    • Epsom salts
    • A bucket or basin
    • Hot water
    • Towels
  • Candles
  • Lotion for massages
  • Your favorite snack (or your kid’s fruit snacks, let’s be real)
  • A cozy drink (tea, hot cocoa, etc.)


  1. First of all, take it easy! Light a candle, turn down the lights, turn on your diffuser, and breathe for a second.
  2. Fill the bucket or basin with warm water and swirl the Epsom salts around in it.
  3. While one person has their feet soaking, have the other give them a back massage!
  4. After 5 minutes, switch roles.
  5. Mix up a face mask, lather it on, and while it’s doin’ its thing, ask each other the questions below.

Take It A Little Deeper:

Here are some questions you can ask each other to dig a little deeper and make your connection even stronger!

  1. What has been the most stressful moments for you in the past month?
  2. How can I be a better support for you when you’re stressed and overwhelmed?
  3. What’s one small thing I can do every day to make sure you’re doing okay?
  4. How can we be a better team when it comes to our shared responsibilities?

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