It’s the first day of a new year! And what better way to start it off than with a great DIY date night? This date can be done at pretty much any location at any time. It’s all about having those deep, rich, meaningful conversations—which can happen anywhere! But in case you’re tired of ordering takeout and flipping through Netflix, here are a few fun date ideas…

Basic Date Night Ideas:

  • Try a new restaurant together! Bonus points if you try foreign cuisine and go with the most exotic thing on the menu!
  • Grab your favorite snack, dessert, and drink. Then drive to the closest park or lookout near you! Even if the weather’s bad, you can stay in your car.
  • Take a walk while the sun is setting (grab some hot cocoa if it’s cold)!
  • Get a bunch of googly eyes from a craft store and find places to put them in public downtown!
  • Have a bake-off at home. See who can make the best cookies, cake, etc.
  • Find a place near you to go ice skating!

Now On to the Main Event:

While you’re enjoying your new restaurant or pretty view, it’s time to dig deep and feel connected! Use this list of questions below to set goals for yourself, your spouse, and you as a couple. Even better if you write them down and set a reminder to check it at the end of the year to see what all you accomplished!

  1. What health goals do you have for yourself this year? How can I help you accomplish those goals?
  2. What financial goals do you have for yourself this year? How can I help you accomplish those goals?
  3. What work/career goals do you have for yourself this year? How can I help you accomplish those goals?
  4. What relationship goals do you have for us this year? How can I help us accomplish those goals?
  5. What are three goals I should have that you can help keep me accountable with?
  6. Do you think you’re good at accomplishing goals? Do you think I am?
  7. What can I do to be a better encouragement to you?
  8. What’s the best goal you’ve ever accomplished?
  9. When have you been most proud of me? Of yourself?
  10. If you had to summarize your hopes for this year in one word, what would it be?

Want more ideas for DIY date nights? Check out our full list here!

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