Your sex life could be healthier. Don’t settle!
Is your sex life all that it could and should be? Maximize one of the most important ways to connect. What’s holding you back from a healthier sex life might be better communication about how each of you is wired sexually.
One of you might need to feel connected emotionally to have sex. One of you might need to have sex to feel connected emotionally. Talk about it. One of you might be wired with a high sex drive. One of you might be wired with a lower sex drive. Neither of you is “right” or “wrong.” Try to meet in the middle as you each communicate your sexual needs. Remember: your sex life can affect your whole relationship and your whole relationship can affect your sex life.
Sex (or the lack thereof) is an issue in most marriages, but we rarely talk about it. Even though it’s easy to do (hey-o), it’s also pretty complicated. Human sexuality is more than just biological, it’s also a mix of complex relationship dynamics and psychological biases. Throw in any past trauma or baggage and you’ve got a recipe for complication.
But looking at sex as THE problem isn’t actually fair to your marriage. Sex is often a symptom of a larger problem. See, we might experience our sexual problems in the bedroom, but they usually begin with our relationship in the rest of the house.
Why Sex Dies in Marriage (And How to Revive It) is a journey through each room in your home and how it contributes to your sex life. Easy-to-read and based on the latest research, this 67-page ebook uses a maritally-holistic approach to sex and covers:
✅ The most common Google searches on sex and why the answers actually lie in the questions themselves
✅ Why having different sex drives doesn’t really matter
✅ How the way you interact in each room of your house can help or hurt the intimacy in your bedroom
✅ Important questions to discuss and fun exercises to do together (including sex tips and spicy convo starters!)